My Hiding Place
O lovely Man! none can with thee compare,
My hiding place from every wind that blows;
In Thee my heart is freed from anxious care,
I know, Thy love to me unceasing flows.
My covert from the wild and stormy blast,
Whose fury would my trusting soul alarm;
In Thee I shelter ’till the storm is past,
Safe in Thy keeping nought can do me harm.
From Thee the living streams of life abound,
Whose healing waters make the spirit whole;
Who drink of Thee eternal life have found,
And ne’er again shall thirst the longing soul.
Thou Rock of ages, here I find sweet rest,
Beneath Thy shadow in a weary land,
A pilgrim on my way, supremely blest,
To that sweet Home which love for me has planned.
W.E. Earl
Just a glimpse!